Girl Asleep

Title:Girl Asleep
Genre:Comedy, Family, Fantasy
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The world is closing in on Greta Driscoll. On the cusp of turning fifteen she can't bear to leave her childhood, it contains all the things that give her comfort in this incomprehensible new world. She floats in a bubble of loserdom with her only friend Elliott, until her parents throw her a surprise 15th birthday party and she's flung into a parallel place; a world that's weirdly erotic, a little bit violent and thoroughly ludicrous – only there can she find herself. Based on the critically acclaimed production by Windmill Theatre, GIRL ASLEEP is a journey into the absurd, scary and beautiful heart of the teenage mind.

Find Films by Director :

Michelle Jenner,

Find Films by Actors :

Bethany Whitmore, Harrison Feldman, Amber McMahon, Matthew Whittet,

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