Watch Steven Universe: The Movie Online
Two years have passed since Steven Universe resolved the ongoing conflict between Earth and the Diamonds and brought peace to the galaxy, seemingly allowing Steven and the Crystal Gems to live happily ever after. However, Steven’s past comes back to haunt him in the shape of a mysterious Gem hellbent on destroying him and everything he holds dear, including the Earth itself. Steven must now face the consequences of Pink Diamond’s actions, save the Earth and, once again, go on a path of self discovery and change to truly earn his happily ever after.
Two years have passed since Steven Universe resolved the ongoing conflict between Earth and the Diamonds and brought peace to the galaxy, seemingly allowing Steven and the Crystal Gems to live happily ever after. However, Steven’s past comes back to haunt him in the shape of a mysterious Gem hellbent on destroying him and everything he holds dear, including the Earth itself. Steven must now face the consequences of Pink Diamond’s actions, save the Earth and, once again, go on a path of self discovery and change to truly earn his happily ever after.
Find Films by Director :
Tara Strong,
Find Films by Actors :
Kate Micucci, Charlyne Yi, Matthew Moy, Christine Ebersole,